Team Nêmesis Application

Ligthweightform used in a student project

Students from ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon are using Lightweightform in their project Nêmesis – Decision Support and Optimization Software. Lightweightform team organized a workshop showcasing our framework during last FISTA edition in ISCTE where several students had the first contact with Lightweightform. After the workshop, a group of students (Catarina Carriço, Rodolfo Arnaldo,…


Lightweightform goes to university

It’s that time of the year we head to several universities to showcase Lightweightform framework. Yesterday our team went to ISCTE (in english Superior Institute of Business and Labour Sciences) in Lisbon to run a workshop about Lightweightform. Tomorrow we will be at SINFO, one of the biggest tech conferences in Portugal, to run another…
